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ISB’s Dr. Qiang Tian Joins Shanghai’s National Research Center for Translational Medicine

By March 28, 2019April 1st, 2019No Comments

At the turn of the century, Dr. Qiang Tian signed on as a postdoctoral fellow with legendary scientist Dr. Lee Hood. He was in for a wild ride.

In 2000, Hood co-founded the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), where Tian became the institute’s first-ever postdoc. In the nearly two decades since, Tian ascended to become a senior research scientist at ISB and chief science officer of the ISB spinout P4 Medicine Institute (P4Mi), and he has been an ISB stalwart and champion of science, systems thinking, collaboration, and revolutionizing health care.

“Qiang is a good scientist, he is wonderfully optimistic, and he always has new ideas about strategic partnerships,” Hood said. “I hope he will continue to interact with me, ISB and P4Mi in all of these regards in the future.”

March 31 is Tian’s last day at ISB. He is returning to China for a leadership role with the National Research Center for Translational Medicine, and will remain an affiliate ISB professor.