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Backing from 180 Investors Worldwide Shows Global Recognition of Washington Life Science Industry According to New Report

By October 27, 2022No Comments

Life Science Washington, the state’s life science industry association, today published its first annual “Investor Report,” detailing the life science investment trends in Washington state over the last year. The report, compiled from Pitchbook, S&P Global Market Intelligence and other publicly disclosed data, shows strong financial momentum for Washington life science companies with more than 180 investors worldwide making deals across the state in 2021 alone.

With $5.08 billion total invested across 112 deals last year, 2021 saw more investment in the industry since 2013, aside from 2018 when Juno Therapeutics was acquired for $8.6 billion, according to the report. Of the top five deals last year, only one of the investment firms is headquartered in Washington state, showing the state’s industry continues to garner attention from leading investors both nationally and globally.